Restaurants & Cafes | Destination Wollongong


Let your taste buds travel in Wollongong and experience the thriving food and drink scene in Wollongong, led by innovative cafes and trendy small bars. Wollongong has transformed into a vibrant hub, offering a diverse array of cultural cuisines that will delight every foodie.

The city has quietly emerged as a cool epicenter, attracting young creatives and entrepreneurs. As a result, the city now boasts a multitude of fantastic eateries and watering holes. Prepare to be inspired by the diverse offerings that will tempt you to extend your stay. Discover our guide to the best cafes and restaurants in Wollongong and embark on a culinary journey like no other.

Whether you’re after a seafood restaurant, traditional Italian pizzeria, sensational sushi, bulging burger or spice-laden curry, most venues are no more than a 10-minute drive from our major hotels.  And we’re suitably fussy about our coffee. It’s primarily brewed espresso-style and provides the high-quality caffeine hit you’d expect from a modern cosmopolitan city. Oh, and don’t forget to wash it down with the artisan pastries and sweets our café culture offers.
